Wednesday, March 5, 2008

if I was

If I was, in a movie, I'd be one of the first extras to be killed off, if I survive it's probably because I was cast as that weird fat guy who was placed there for comic relief. Like the fat guy from lost. How does a fat guy stay that fat on deserted island? I mean sure they had food, and boar, and papayas, but seriously he should've dropped a few pounds somewhere. Maybe he did, in his foot. Poor fat guy.

If I was, a goat, I would be mutton sooner than you could say parattel. On moment ramming little lady goats the next floating around in a big pot and then in someone's belly.

If I was, a chicken, three letters come to mind K F C!

If I was, a butterfly, I'd have 2 weeks to live and would probably manage to find some way to waste the little time given to me.

If I was, a girl, I'd never leave the house. I'd be a fairly ugly woman. Though I doubt I can look any worse than I do as a guy.

More if I was, when I've thought up more.

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