Wednesday, March 12, 2008

mind the lesser creatures; inferiority

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt

As true a statement as they come and yet even with such knowledge we find ourselves feeling inferior to the people around us. Or should I say, I feel inferior to certain people.

I suppose it's because much like the Israelite explorers who said "We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them." we sell ourselves short, formulating opinions of ourselves for other people. And you know that reflects more on our state of mind than it does anything else.

I do this to myself sometimes though I try hard not to these days, but I slip up sometimes, lol, good gosh I'm only human after all you judgmental fascist! lol!

Yeah though these days when I start to feel inferior to someone around me I just look for a flaw and God knows there are so many flaws to pick from. It allows me to humanize anyone that I might otherwise attribute a godlike status to. It helps me keep my perceptions of people grounded, I rarely pedestal people these days. It's a good thing.

I've learned that what we think people think of us, is not really what they think of us. Invariably our perception is skewed by our emotional state and how we view ourselves. I think it all boils down to self esteem.

Figure out who you are, and work with it. It works for me.


Sage said...

What do you mean "I rarely pedestal people these days." You have ME up on a pedestal remember? =D Its where I belong damnit! But (sigh) not today...I'm so out of it its just sad. No spark today I'm afraid...

*crawls under the table and prays for the week to end soon*

Tristan said...

you're my little tin goddess :D