Sunday, July 25, 2010

compulsion, desire and voice,

I disconnect from the world below,
I long for the heart of a girl, who to me was once known,
Every hour brings a trial of its' own,
Every hour on the hour down my face tears flow,

I linger in a pit of anguish,
Perhaps I am just being selfish,
Yearning to be with my temptress,
My heart’s thief and soul’s goddess,

In photographs her eyes entrance me,
In memories her shadow haunts me,
Where her scent crushes me,
Beneath the weight of her sublime beauty,

I am all melancholy,
Shun by this lady,
Whose friendship escapes me,
By my words I am my own undoing,

In anger I said,
Many things I now dread,
I pray the Lord will change her heart just yet,
And forgive me for all the spite that I said,

Perhaps I am a fool,
Perhaps I am a fool,
Perhaps I am a fool,
But I am no fool for loving you,

My time was not wasted,
Even if my lips said so,
Every moment was a blessing,
Blessings I am now missing,

I will love her always,
Always and forever,
As is my heart’s choice,
Compulsion, desire and voice,

Monday, July 5, 2010

chocolate, oh and some things not really worth mentioning

There are now really only three people I hate in this world specifically; and hate them with a vengeance do I. There are a whole bunch of other people that I don't like. But only three that I hate.

I know that hate is a strong word perhaps not strong enough. That's why I set out to find a stronger word. I can't decide between these three abhor, detest and loathe.

I suppose I could abhor one, detest the second and loathe the third.

Somehow, my antipathy seems like too much effort. So instead I've decided to have chocolate to make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

I was going to be rather juvenile and post of some really callous post about recent facebook activities involving some scummy people, their relationship and their bitchy slut friend. As callous and cruel as they were. But I've decided instead that chocolate is a great thing to discuss.

I was going to descend to their level of generally disgusting and horrid behaviour but then decided they weren't worth the effort.

Now chocolate on the other hand, mmmhmm. I love that stuff. Truly my only vice be.

Cocoa, have you ever had it? It's really quite amazing. Much better than loving someone else. Cause you're loving yourself! There is nothing more therapeutic save one, deleting people you're no longer friends with on facebook; I liken it to murder without the risk of jail time or the worry of cleaning up the mess. And did you realise that facebook doesn't even ask you whether you're sure. No time for second thoughts now that you're a stone cold killer. I digress.

Chocolate, yes that sweet milk enriched treat. Used in sacrifices by the Aztec people. Sometimes. Gosh, chocolate has such a violent past. But I love it all the same, cause it'll never lie to me about whether it's really 70% cocoa. No way. It's only manipulations would be to make me feel better about myself. How awesome! Truly a better love one could not find!

Ah chocolate. Ut sementem feceris ita metes.