Sunday, June 8, 2008

things to do if you, a guy find yourself arguing with a woman

If you find yourself in an argument with a woman, comment on how her shoes match a particular article of clothing. It has a 85% chance of disarming the situation.

When arguing with a woman, make eye contact. Lack of eye contact will get you condemned as a bad listener or worse a liar (if you're doing the talking).

Do not make too much eye contact. This will lead to the assumption that you're staring her down.

Do not stare at her chest. For obvious reasons.

Complement her but don't over complement her. Flattery can come across as an attempt to get into her pants. Be vague but not too vague. I realise I'm being vague. Years of practice my brothers.

When arguing never mention another woman. This will severely screw things up.

Do not pinch her arse. She's not in the mood. Though, this can in some situations get you laid. Angry fight sex can be intense. So I've heard.

When arguing you can make a lot of valid points. All she needs is one to tear you to pieces. As a guy you'll try to make sense. She won't let sense hold her back.

So to conclude... When arguing with a woman, don't! You're always wrong. The sooner you realise this, the better things get for you.

And now I wait...

And Jax... I know, I know... I'm a misogynistic shitbag... but you love me all the same =)


Sabby said...

This was hilariousssssss!
So many MANY good flashbacks while I was reading it so I s'pse it's true...!

JON said...

bro i like the first one... and EVERYTHING ELSE!!!!