Friday, October 10, 2008

why do i bother?

I do not know hence the question. Like duh!

The question you should be asking yourself is "what shouldn't he bother with?"

And the answer to that is everything. Indeed.

I don't know why I do half the things I do. The nice things for the less enlightened.

I should just be the arsehole I was born to be.

Feelings are such trifle things, being an arsehole would enable me to not care if I hurt them. Being nice means I've got tell you I'm ok when really all I want to do is go back to bed. Or say fuck the world.

Being an arsehole will also get me scores of women or so I'm told. Being nice surely hasn't done the trick.

Being an arsehole will let me cut that other arsehole off on the road without my conscience getting in the way. Being nice gets you nowhere at best and at worse cut off by that arsehole without a conscience.

Being an arsehole gets you free shit and allows you to talk down to people. Being nice gets you talked down at and your shit taken from you.

Being an arsehole, I wouldn't ask myself why I bother, because I wouldn't bother and then I wouldn't have anything to be bother about.

Fuck! I should be an arsehole! I'd fucking rock! I'd be able to say shit like fuck those fuck fucking fuckers!

Arseholes unite! For the record that does not mean I'm anal retentive. Butt you get the point.

Heck being nice sucks fucking balls.

See being an arsehole allows me to use gratuitous amounts of profanity without anyone being able to say jack shit about it. Being nice means I've got to keep in mind what people think of me. I say fuck you! I guess I've already become an arsehole.

Now I can go on with my life not giving a shit about anyone or anything. Thus not being bothered.

And as part of my induction into the brotherhood of being an arsehole I say that I hate you, your family, your dog, those kids from down the street and most of all I hate the fish, oh how I loathe the fish!

Hail to the king baby! Fuck yeah!

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