Friday, May 8, 2009

pass me by

If you see me, pass me by. Don't stop to ask me why, why I sit with my head in my hands and cry. I beg off you not to stay, please go about your day. Don't stop to ask me why, why I'm failing to articulate the storm swelling up inside. All I can do is sigh, so please don't wait, go about your day. Don't stop to fix me, please don't try. I've tried and look at me now I sit here watching the world pass on by, so please don't stay, go about your day. Don't stop, please don't stop, please for your own sake, I beg off you don't stop, you may stall and have the world pass you by. If you love yourself, I urge you to pass me by, just pass me by. Because I can't have you sit with me and cry, I can't watch as someone I love commits the same cerebral suicide. I can't have the world pass you by. So if you see me, please pass me by.

Pass me by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are asking for the impossible!!
For those that do not care for you, they will pass you by not even seeing you in your suicidal state, it would be impossible to stop them even long enough to ask for help.

For those that care for you and love you they will not have the option for passing you by because they will already be sitting there with tissues in hand, right next to you. And to ask a friend to walk away in your time of burden is the worst thing you could ask of a friend because you would not just be committing suicide but murder as well. It is impossible to walk away from a loved one in discomfort, distress, heartache, sorrow, pain or any reason to cry.
