Wednesday, May 6, 2009

pardon my distraction

Pardon my distraction your eyes have caught me in remission, from a disease which laces my life with dissolution as every line I trace is erased while the world around me fades to grey, I can see extinction on my finger tips, this disease that stains my lips. For I am trapped within a prism, the prison of a life filled with self created schisms. This is my mechanism, the vehicle my life will take to its final destination. Here exists an allusion to illusion as everything that exists in the minds construct can be written off as delusion. I am afraid my mind's division has taken almost all my attention.

Even so through my distraction, I note your eyes are cool but not cold, steeled but not icy. They are faux nonchalant, their armour wavering ever so little belying that inside you are affected by my attention's diffusion. Please pardon my observation and its intrusion as I am prone to assume, perhaps your eyes are speaking in a different language or to a different person.

I pull myself back to the world for a minute to vocalise my thoughts of you but all that I can manage is a feeble statement of something arbitrary almost non sequitur, it is vapid to my ears. Still you manage a smile, even your eyes. I could ask you why? but I know you would probably answer with, why not? and smile again. You intrigue me and perplex me, they seem to go hand in hand. My minute ends. Once again my thoughts are like light diffracted, rarefied the entirety of the situation derisive. Somehow you remain constant. Pardon me in this seemingly torpid state. I am not lucid, it is evident that my mind is not placid. But for that brief minute I was eased.

A calming slice of sunshine amidst a terrible storm, my boat threatens to capsize in the high tide of a world I cannot control, I've fallen down the rabbit hole. I've dragged you into my twisting perception, I've burdened you with my locution. Shown you the gaping wound I'm nursing from choices of my own making. Perhaps it is time I stopped making excuses for my life's failings. Trimmings of the disease that stains my lips tonight.

Pardon my distraction, your eyes caught me as I was falling.

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