Monday, August 9, 2010


Choice #2
Choice #3
Choice #4

Choice #5
Of all the designs I love this one the most.

For a very long time I've wanted to get a tattoo. In fact I would like multiple tattoos however it takes time to think about what you want to ink permanently on your body.

Here are 5 designs that I really like, especially the last one because it's the simplest. And I love simplicity.

I was thinking of putting the tattoo on my shoulder or my forearm (I'm favouring my forearm) with the latin phrase Non Sum Qualis Eram, which means "I am not what I once was".

If anyone has any thoughts on the matter drop me a line.


Anonymous said...

As cool and awesome as I think tatts are, I don't think you should. It's irreversible...

But I know you won't listen to me, so here's my choice/opinion la..

I kinda feel all the designs here don't suit you la....they're too.. ah beng-ish... Any others? I mean ones with deeper meanings or sth..


tattoosdesigns said...

Eye catching and Extravagant tattoos designs very nice post