Saturday, October 3, 2009

gender studies

I was extremely bored today and while surfing the web I came across this list of gender studies. Read on, hate if you want but the facts of the studies are as below.

Harvard University studies show that, when domestic differences arise, it's usually the spouse who does the most talking who gets his/her way.

A two-year study conducted at Stanford University demonstrated that, other factors being equal, men are as much as 50 percent more proficient than women in solving complicated problems.

Studies conducted by University of Southern California psychologists show that women are more subject to feeling depressed and ''down in the dumps'' than men.

Authorities find that the average woman requires appreciably more sleep than the average men.

Psychological studies show conclusively that, while emergencies tend to upset a woman more, in a real crisis she is likely to remain calmer than the average male.

Leading university studies show that women are far more finicky about what they eat than men.

Psychologists have found that women are more self-centered. They have fewer outside interest than men, are more preoccupied with personal concerns and problems.

The American Institute of Family Relations, after careful evaluation of surveys, found- ''Contrary to tradition it is not the wife's mother but the husband's mother who is the most frequent troublemaker.''

University of Minnesota investigators found that women discussed men far more often than men discussed women. Women talked about men more often than about any other subject- except other women. Men's conversations were more frequently devoted to business, money, other men- and then women.

Veterans Administration psychologist Richard C. Cowden made an intensive study of married couples, subjected each husband and wife to test designed to reveal their knowledge and understanding of the other's personality. Husbands had far better insight into their wives' character and were able to predict much more accurately how they would react under specific conditions.

We can hear the women's protests- ''Hah! You should see my husband when he has a cold!'' Nevertheless, in a study of over 5000 men and women, sponsored by the Veteran Administration and Cornell University Medical College, it was found that women had a far greater tendency to exaggerate virtually all types of complaints and ailments.

Psychological tests at De Paul University showed that though women were no less evasive than men, where outright lies were concerned, men led the field.

Studies show that women tend to be attracted to men they can look up to intellectually. Men, on the other hand, tend to shy away from women who have more brains than they do. This doesn't mean that men are superior in general intelligence, but that men tend to ''marry down'' and women tend to ''marry up.''

Studies conducted by sociologists at the University of Southern California show that men have much more difficulty in adjusting happily to a second marriage than women. Divorced men tend to become more ''set in their ways,'' less willing to compromise, and to expect their next marriage partners to do most of the adjusting.

Professor Leona F. Tyler, psychologist at the University of Oregon, evaluating the findings of leading scientific investigators, found the female begins to out-talk the male shortly after infancy. She talks more readily, longer and faster. But it is in verbal fluency, rather than in the grasp of verbal meanings, that females are superior.

Studies show that men are more restless by temperament than women and much more easily bored by repetitive action. They lack women's capacity to adjust to monotonous conditions. Possibly one reason women are less bored by monotony is that they are more given to introspection and daydreaming.

Numerous psychological studies on reaction time show that when a man's senses warn him of approaching danger, he reacts much faster than the average woman.

Studies show that women not only have a greater capacity for happiness than men, but also for unhappiness according to psychologist Lewis M. Terman at Stanford University, ''Women experience the extremes of marital happiness and unhappiness more keenly than their husbands.''

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