Friday, August 21, 2009

wake up

So I'm awake again, facing another quiet night. The solitude of it is compounded by the cubicle that is my room. Outside lurks the dark unknown, I do not pause to guess that which lies in the murky twilight. Instead I sit here filled with my sorrow, my thoughts are not lucid, my mind is like the ball on a roulette wheel, spinning in the opposite direction. I barely notice time slipping through my fingers. I'm caught only in the silence of its wake.

I've found myself letting go again, letting life slip by me. Am I so tired of this world that I cannot bear the light of day and so I hide in shadow? Keeping myself locked away in my little world. A world no one gets into.

Songs play in my mind, singing to me only sadness.

I'll wake up. I have to wake up. I have to wake up.

Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

Life is waiting for me outside my door but I don't know for how much longer? Will I wake up in time? Time is falling away. Soon I'll have none at all.

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