Saturday, August 22, 2009

the post with such diverse elements as to be non-sequitur

What should I talk about tonight? Honest answer, I don't really know.

A recap of something I read.

Fresh in my mind is a post by a friend of mine, Amanda about being single and the elevated monetary costs incurred by such a state as well as society's perception of it being normal to be in a relationship and to want children rather than to choose the life of a single person or person who does not want children. An interesting read, it was most definitely passionate which boggles my mind, she's tiny I wonder where she puts all that conviction. It must be the fiery red hair she sports, she seems to have taken on the nature of the colour red. Someone might equate that to her turning into a skittle but I wouldn't.

She also touched on finding "the one" a subject I've had a few run ins with. And I agree with her, there is no "one". Life is not a Jet Li movie or the Matrix, you're not going to meet someone and suddenly obtain super relationship type powers. What exists is a person who brings you joy, who despite your flaws loves you and you love them in spite of theirs. Something you make work because you want to. The one is a matter of choice not fate or destiny. A relationship like so many things is about what you want to bring to the table and the effort you're willing to put into it to make it a success. It's a case of making the most of what you have to work with. Which does not correlate to settling. Finding perfection is a flawed idea, I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's about finding the perfect imperfections. Someone whose imperfections work for you. I couldn't see myself dating someone who was perfect, I love quirks. Perfect people don't surprise you and that's never fun. It's like how you can ruin Christmas for yourself if you peek at the presents days before you're supposed to open them.

She also touched on abortion, a subject that has never sat well with me. I can't reconcile the termination of life with the clinical manner in which it can be decided. I've always been of two minds when it comes to subjects like this. One part of me realises that cases exists where the child that was conceived, was conceived through nefarious methods, in a nutshell rape.

There are also the cases of teenage pregnancies which can ruin a person's life if the child is carried to term. You never want to give birth to a child and resent its existence. However then you have to ask yourself if people don't have to deal with their mistakes will they ever learn? Juxtaposed is the other question, what quality of life can a teenager give to this child? Difficult questions without easy answers. In fact the subject is so subjective it's ludicrous to try and comprehend all the variables the situation brings with it. Such is the dichotomy of teenage pregnancies. However that is in itself a completely different subject. Foetal rights is such a farce. How can we quantify humanity by the number of weeks since insemination? What about the soul? A can worms. Sigh.

Moving onto less heavy stuff.

Today the band hit the studio to blow off some steam and work out our songs. I don't know what got into us today but we were on fire. Our two new songs Header and Jerry's Sad Song (Yes those are currently the titles of the songs, we're not really big on song names, in fact they tried to name a song I wrote as the John Mayer song fortunately that's been changed to Goodbye, Goodnight after Rashaad and I protested) just came together perfectly. I can't explain it but yeah there was this synergy. We were all on the same page. Bass lines came to me like the ten commands were revealed to Moses. Difference here is that I didn't have to chisel them down on stone tablets, no instead I got to play them on a mighty axe. I would say my mighty axe, but Sophia is still in the shop. Good news everyone! (yes, if you suddenly thought of Professor Hubert Farnsworth from Futurama you are a certified genius in my books and if you didn't or don't know who that is just move onto the next part) She's ready to be collected, everything checks out and she's ready to growl again. This makes me most happy.

Finally, I've been a little moody and subdued this past week and a half. I haven't really been in touch with anyone in any form of meaningful way. The mind has been a little diffused, mildly numb and generally preoccupied with things that are really of no great consequence. Such is how I am made. Hope you've found this update entertaining. Cheers.

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